Facts about Vasant Vihar
South Delhi or South West Delhi to be more precise
click to view Loads of Schools located on map.
Basant look market also famous as priya market
Upmarket, posh colony
Lords of embassies
Who's Who of delhi
Embassies,Foreign mission,Deligates
Industrialists & bureaucrats
Real Estates Facts
Vasant Vihar is amongst the mostsort after address in Delhi
Owing to it's large plot sizes, big-wide roads, community parks, proximity to the Airport it has always attracted the crème delve crème of Delhi

Note:The price range may vary according to the following aspects:

A super premium location may demand upto 10% to 15% higher than the above mentioned range and a fairly floor location may be offered at 10% to 15% lower than the above mentioned range. (Please refer to the Location advantages mentioned above in the houses section)

Year of Construction:
The above mentioned range is for brand new/under construction about to finish apartments. In case the apartment is old construction, the prices fall considerably. Infact, some buyers prefer to purchase older apartments as they come for a bargain. For example : A First Floor on a 600 Sq. Yds brand new apartment would cost Rs. 18Crs. viz-a-viz a similar 7-8 years old apartments would cost around Rs. 15to16Crs.?

Reputation of the Builder:
There are reputed builders operating in Vasant Vihar who have delivered world class apartments since decades. Obviously, these builders command about 5% to 10% premium in the prices as compared to the newer lot of builders.
Being a builder/developer in Vasant Vihar needs deep pockets as the plots are so very expensive.
Builders in Vasant Vihar offer the best quality construction often choose the most expensive specification of marble, bathroom fittings, electrical fittings, external elevation. This is so because the buyers of apartments in Vasant Vihar are generally big business men, Industrialists, Bureaucrats - who do not wish to compromise in the quality irrespective of price.
Builders in Vasant Vihar offer the best quality construction often choose the most expensive specification of marble, bathroom fittings, electrical fittings, external elevation. This is so because the buyers of apartments in Vasant Vihar are generally big business men, Industrialists, Bureaucrats - who do not wish to compromise in the quality irrespective of price.
Vasant Vihar has plot sizes in the following category :
250 Sq. Yds.
400 Sq. Yds.
600 Sq. Yds.
800 Sq. Yds.
1,000 Sq. Yds.
1,200 Sq. Yds.
The per Sq. Yds. Price of an Independent Plot in Vasant Vihar as on October - November 2012 is :
Rs. 8,00,000/- to Rs. 9,00,000/- per Sq. Yds.
This Price range may vary according to the locational aspects such as :